Are you Considering Changing Jobs in 2023?

by | Dec 1, 2022

Are you looking to change jobs in the new year? At different career stages, we all face career crossroads. Maybe you like to move to different jobs and organisations more frequently. Or you prefer to stay with one company for longer periods. Regardless, none of us can avoid times when we need to review our professional life. A key factor at these times is to take control of your situation and gain clarity.

To help you gain career clarity try doing this:

Create a Career Plan

A career plan is a key factor in ensuring career progression. Your plan should reflect you and your personal preferences. Be very clear about any job requirements that you do and do not want. Knowing what you don’t want is just as important as knowing what you do want. Crossroads can be a great time to “think outside the square”. To take a risk and consider new challenges. Click here for ideas to help you create a plan.

Roles and Organisations

What sort of roles and organisations are you most interested in? Which previous jobs have you really enjoyed and why? What company culture has suited you? Many people find they are most comfortable in a job where there is a balance between challenge and also feeling on top of their role. Getting the right cultural fit for you is essential. Trust your “gut instinct” when looking for the right organisation for you.

Your Strengths, Unique Skills and Abilities

Build your own personal brand. Consider your strengths, any gaps and the unique skills and abilities you can offer an employer. Think about all aspects of what you can offer. A breadth of skills across people, strategies and technical areas is also advantageous. Be honest with yourself when you consider your own strengths and weaknesses. Play to your strengths and undertake specific training to address any important gaps or weaknesses.


Your resume/CV is your chance to impress. Think of it as your sales document to get you job interviews. A good resume/CV should have:

  • A Career Profile summary that includes 3 to 4 key strengths on the front page.
  • Tangible career achievements (supported by “context, action, result” at the interview).
  • Be simple, clear and up to date
  • No more than 3 to 4 pages


Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date, and accurately reflects your roles and career. Use LinkedIn to stay in touch with your contacts and to be introduced to relevant people.

Click here for tips on updating your profile.


The best networks consist of people you trust and respect, who hold similar values to you. Networking should be major part of your job search. It is a continual process of starting and maintaining relationships with people that can help you in your career and vice versa.

Many jobs never get advertised. They are filled via networks and personal connections. This is part of the hidden job network By keeping networking as a priority, you are more likely to find out about relevant roles.

How to Network Well

Ask people for their advice and for referrals. Most people are happy to help, but you do need to ask. They can help you more effectively if you can explain to them clearly what you want to do next. Spend time thinking about what you enjoy doing and what you are good at. Aim to get this down to 3 things. For example, you enjoy problem solving, leading teams and implementing change. Doing this before a meeting helps your network give you relevant advice. When you are networking, find an approach that feels comfortable and right for you.

Take a Risk!

Taking a risk can be as simple as accepting a secondment or project within your current organisation. Alternatively, undertaking extra study or taking a sideways career move. Even if the risk does not produce the expected outcomes, there are still valuable insights and learnings gained.

Stay Positive and Persistent

Companies look for more than your technical suitability for the role. They also look for someone who is a good cultural fit. They are attracted to people who are enthusiastic and keen, honest and willing to take on a new challenge. Finding the right cultural fit helps bring out the best in all of us and helps make you love your job! Know what you want and be persistent.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
  1. Career crossroads and need clarity? Click here
  2. Maximise your LinkedIn and Resume for a successful job search, click here
  3. Nail that job interview and get the job offer, click here

Alternatively, if you are feeling overwhelmed or are unsure where to start and need help with EVERYTHING click here

Job Search Tips That Work!

- Get RECRUITERS to notice you.


- Nail your job INTERVIEW!

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