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How to Move Forward After a Job Loss

by | Aug 29, 2024

Losing your job is tough, especially if you did not see it coming. So much of your identity is tied up in your job. Your job is often more than just the way you make your living, it is also how you see yourself, as well as the way others see you. Your job also gives you a purpose and a structure to your daily life.

To suddenly find yourself out of work can understandably leave you feeling confused. It is normal to experience a wide range of emotions, including shock, fear, sadness, anger, and grief.

To help you get through this, follow the 4 steps. Write down your answers to all the questions.

STEP 1 – Reflect on Your Thoughts

Writing down your thoughts will help you get clarity on what’s next for you.

Ask Yourself the following questions:
1. How do I feel about the situation and the company?
2. What is the story I’m telling myself? What are the actual facts?
3. What am I sad about losing?
4. What am I looking forward to leaving behind?
5. What accomplishments, experiences, and relationships will I take forward into my next role?

STEP 2 – Define Your Timelines

Job loss is stressful, it may cause a sense of fear and urgency that focuses you on taking immediate action. Stop and breathe. Create a realistic timeline, with dates, based on your financial situation.

Ask Yourself the following questions:
1. What is my last day of work and where I will be paid up to?
2. When will I receive my payout (if applicable) and how much will this be?
3. How long will my payout and savings support me and my financial commitments?
4. How long of a break can I take before I need to earn money again?

STEP 3 – Get Crystal Clear on What You Want Next

Reframe this time as an opportunity to design the next phase of your career and life. Depending on what stage of life you are at, you will probably search for another job or explore other types of work.

Ask Yourself the following questions:
1. What companies or customers could use the value I provide?
2. What are my unique skills and strengths and how can I use them to solve problems?
4. What kind of environment, culture, team, or leader would enable me to do my best work?
5. What actions and resources will it take to make this happen?

STEP 4 – Ask your Network

Always remember you are not alone in this. You will likely have others in your network that have experienced a similar situation to you. Ask for their help, they could provide you with support and guidance.

Ask Yourself the following questions:
1. Who in my network has a career I admire?
2. Who do I trust and respect for their professional insights and advice?
3. Who can help me with mentorship, networking, leads, or skill development?
4. What former colleagues, bosses, or friends could I reach out to for guidance and support?


It is normal to feel a range of emotions when you lose your job. Remind yourself that you will get through this emotional time and come out feeling stronger and clearer on what you want next.

Once you’re ready to start your job search, READ THIS this to help you set up a successful job search routine.

Remember, losing your job does not define you. Be kind to yourself.

Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:
  1. Career Clarity – Are you at a career crossroads and need help?
  2. Personal Brand – Maximise your LinkedIn and Resume and get noticed.
  3. Interview Coaching – Nail your job interview and get the job offer.

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