How to Use LinkedIn To Find Your Next Job

by | Feb 9, 2023

LinkedIn is an important part of everyone’s job search. I do lots of LinkedIn training, both one on one and in groups. A common statement I hear many people say is, “I want to get my LinkedIn profile complete so that recruiters will find me and contact me about jobs”

That may happen. However, thinking that because you have a complete LinkedIn profile the recruiters will then “find” you, is the wrong way to look at it. There are over 900 million people on LinkedIn, in over 200 countries.

Instead, try changing your approach to your job search. Do your research and find the recruiters and contacts you think may be able to help you. Then once you have a fully optimised and All-Star LinkedIn profile, reach out and connect with them. The recruiters and potential contacts, can then see your profile at its absolute best, selling your skills and achievements Allowing them to understand what you do and why. Recruiters use keywords to search for relevant candidates. Therefore, it’s important to build out your skills section (you can list up to 50 skills) with relevant keywords for which you want to be found.

But I have a Great Profile?

Having a fabulous LinkedIn profile and then doing nothing else with it, is akin to going to an actual networking event in your best suit with a bunch of your business cards. Then sitting in the corner for the whole event and hoping someone comes over to speak with you! Maybe they will or maybe they won’t. However, if you go to the event and introduce yourself to people, ask about them and listen and engage. Tell them about you and have a conversation, that is how you develop your network and start to make things happen. It’s the same with LinkedIn.

How do you Network on LinkedIn?

Firstly, a golden rule! Never reach out to potential new contacts until your LinkedIn profile is 100% complete. If you need help with this, then check out my LinkedIn and resume coaching session here. You would not send an incomplete resume to a job advert, so don’t reach out to new contacts when you have an incomplete LinkedIn profile? The first thing the contact will do is check out your (incomplete) LinkedIn profile. You don’t always get a second chance, so make it count. Once your profile is looking fabulous, here are 5 things you can do:

Tip 1

Create a list of 10 companies where you would love to work. Always think about what you have in common with the company. For example, if you have been working in FMCG, then create a list of 10 FMCG companies. Use LinkedIn to research who the companies might be. My basic rule is to aim for “something” or “someone” in common. Doing this means you are more likely to get a response.

Tip 2

Go into the LinkedIn company page of each of the 10 companies. Click “follow” on the company page. You will now get updates on new hires, promotions and changes at this company and even job opportunities. You will also start seeing the company updates on your homepage when you login to LinkedIn. Then using the LinkedIn filters, search contacts who work at each company, that are relevant to you. For example, if you are a marketing manager you might refine your search by “marketing” and then get a list of marketing contacts.

Tip 3

Connect with who would be your boss (if you worked there) and also some of your peers. Also connect with the talent/recruiters. Always write a note in your connection request, it is more likely they will connect if you do this.

An example note for a new LinkedIn connection request:

Hi Adam
I have recently finished up with [name of FMCG company where you worked] and I am looking to build my network within the FMCG industry.
It would be good to connect with you.

Tip 4

Once you have this list, transfer all your new LinkedIn contacts names and emails into an Excel spreadsheet and create an activity tracker. To get the email addresses of your 1st contacts, just click “contact info” at the top of the persons LinkedIn profile page. Then create an email and reach out to your new contacts to let them know about you.

Tip 5

People who are currently in jobs don’t tend to go onto the LinkedIn platform every day. Therefore, ensure you send your messages through email, not through LinkedIn messenger. Track all your activity in your newly created Excel activity tracker.

An example email to a new contact might look something like this:

Hi Adam,
Thanks for recently connecting with me on LinkedIn. I have recently finished up as Marketing Manager at FMCG Australia. I have a background in strategy, marketing, operations and CX within FMCG, pharmaceuticals and the construction sectors. I am exploring opportunities in the FMCG industry and would be very interested in working at [insert the name of Adams company]
If you hear of any opportunities that may be suitable or if there is anyone that you can refer me to, I would be extremely grateful.
I can be contacted on my mobile 0400 00 000 or email –, at your convenience.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,


Doing all of this takes a fair bit of effort, but it is something you control. The worst thing that can happen is they ignore your email, and you do not hear back from them! Nothing ventured nothing gained.

This is also how you start to access the infamous “hidden job market” where according to the stats, 70 to 80% of jobs are actually found! Who knows if this figure is really true! However, one thing is true, recruiters cannot find jobs for everyone. So take control of your own job search and use LinkedIn, and your network, to work for you and help you.

Don’t just be a fabulous profile on LinkedIn Use it as the amazing resource that it is to help find your next job.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Career crossroads and need clarity? Click here
  2. Maximise your LinkedIn and Resume for a successful job search, click here
  3. Nail that job interview and get the job offer, click here

Alternatively, if you are feeling overwhelmed or are unsure where to start and need help with EVERYTHING click here

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