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How to Survive and Conquer a Panel Interview

by | May 19, 2020

For many people, a panel interview can be a very intimidating thought. A panel interview is conducted by a group of 2 or more people, and if the prospect of being grilled by a line-up of complete strangers makes you feel anxious, then take heart, an invitation to attend a panel interview indicates that you are a quality candidate and in reality, you have an excellent chance of getting the job.

The following tips will help you succeed at your next panel interview. Before the interview do Your Research, ensure you ask your recruiter or HR contact all the background information that you need for your panel interview. Questions you should ask them include:

Who will be on the Interview Panel?

Find out the name of each interviewer. Check the company website or LinkedIn for photos of each person. You will feel a lot less intimidated if you walk into the interview room already being able to put faces to names. It’s not always easy to remember new names under pressure.

What Positions within the Company do the Panellists hold?

By knowing what job positions panellists hold, you’ll get a feel for the kind of questions they may ask. The most common panel interview scenario is to be interviewed by three people. This can be your line manager, the second person may possibly be a co-worker and the third is often a HR representative. Each person will ask different questions relating to their field of expertise.

How long will the interview last?

Panel interviews are often longer than one-to-one interviews, simply because there are more people, more questions and more conversations. If you can avoid it, don’t schedule appointments after the interview, as it is important you don’t appear rushed or distracted.

Control any Anxiety

In reality, the questions and answers in a panel interview are no different to an individual interview. So why do panel interviews make people feel excessively nervous? The key difference is the number of people, no one likes to be judged or embarrassed in front of other people. It is the same fear we face before public speaking. It’s the fear of being vulnerable. To help you overcome any fears try these tips:

Take a step back

Don’t allow yourself to indulge in fearful emotions. Consider the worst that could happen. Will you freeze up, not be able to speak? Will you look like a fool and embarrass yourself? At the end of the day if you don’t succeed, you’ll be able to pick yourself up and move on to the next job application. Taking a pragmatic view helps you remain calm and focused.

Know your stuff

If an interviewer asks you “Can you tell me about a time when you have had to manage an under preforming team?” you want to know exactly what the interviewer is talking about and have an example ready. Check out this article on behavioural interviewing for more tips check out these interview tips

No doubt you will also be asked questions about your resume, so make sure you are completely familiar with details such as job titles, dates, responsibilities, past projects and achievements.

Talk the talk

Avoid embarrassment by familiarising yourself with industry jargon. Check out the company’s website and industry magazines for clues. If there is terminology you’re not familiar with, learn what it means and how to use it in context.

Use notes for backup

It is absolutely fine to have your own notes into a panel interview and is a lot easier to do at the moment as most interviews are online in front of your computer! Write down your own set of questions to ask the panellists at the end of your interview. You can also have reminder notes to prompt you should you get really stuck for words. If you find yourself unable to answer a question, get tongue-tied or overwhelmed, then often just a quick glance at your notes can help you refocus. Don’t refer to your notes unless you really need to, however for many people just knowing their notes are there helps them feel more relaxed.

Consider Your Eye Contact

Perhaps the most difficult aspect of panel interviews is paying sufficient attention to multiple people at the same time. The more panellists, the more difficult this becomes. To make each interviewer feel respected, be sure to make eye contact with everyone. Always focus on the person who is asking the question. Acknowledge their question with a small nod before beginning your answer. When giving longer answers, take time to scan the interview panel, making natural eye contact with each interviewer on the panel.

Cope with the Pressure

Not all panel interviews are designed to be high pressure, but you should prepare just in case. If you’re being interviewed for a high level position, the interview may be designed to test how well you can handle stressful situations. Fortunately, most panel interviews are simply a matter of company convenience, not an attempt to destroy you. In fact, companies often try to make you feel comfortable. If you begin to feel anxious or pressured, take a slow, deep breath and allow yourself a moment to calm down.

Prepare by Rehearsing

In addition to following standard job interview preparation tips, prepare yourself further by rehearsing anticipated conversations. Practice both the questions you will ask and your answers to common job interview questions. Rehearse out loud and pay attention to speaking slowly and clearly. The more you practice, the more fluent and confident you will become.

View panel interviews as a positive opportunity

Remain calm, be honest and answer questions as best you can. Finally, remember you should also be assessing the people on the panel and the company just as much as they are assessing you!

Also, remember to not talk too much!

Contact me today to see how I can help you succeed at your next job interview and get that job offer.

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