Are You at a Career Crossroads?

by | Nov 2, 2023

Wondering what’s next in your career in 2024 and feeling like you’re at a career crossroads? The end of the year is a great time to ask yourself, where to next?

Maybe the “next” is the same role in a different company. Or maybe “next” is something completely different to what you currently do.

If you are at a career crossroads, take some time out and do a self-evaluation.

Start by following these 5 steps to help you decide what’s next.

Step 1

Before you change jobs/careers you must understand what you like doing and why. Get 3 blank pieces of paper and ask yourself 3 things – who, what and why?

Spend a couple of hours doing this. Leave it for a while and go back to it. Ask your close friends and family members for ideas. Show them what you have written and see what they can add. Each sheet of paper should list one of the following headings:

1.       WHO – Who am I? What are my values, what is important to me? What are my personal attributes? What is non-negotiable for me?

2.       WHAT – What are my skills? What have I achieved in my career? What do my colleagues and friends say are my skills? What are my strengths? What comes naturally to me? What are my career achievements that I am most proud of? What makes me happy? What energises me? What are my transferable skills?

3.       WHY – Why should a company employ me? What benefits would I bring if they did? Why me?

Step 2

Any career change is easier by moving in micro steps. You might currently be a Marketing Manager but have aspirations to work in the IT space. You do this by taking micro steps.

Firstly, find out what additional skills you need to work in IT. What training can you do, identify any technical gaps and explore what they are.

Next step, if you are currently employed, who can you speak to in your IT department to gain an understanding of what they do? Is it possible to gain experience in your current employer through some project work?

If this is not an option, go to your network (LinkedIn is the easiest option for this) Do any of your contacts know people in this field? Can they make an introduction?

Step 3

To move forward in your career crossroad, conduct an informational interview?

An informational interview is a short, focused conversation with people working in your field of interest. It is not about asking for a job, but about stating your interests and collecting insider information to help you advance your job search.

Who you approach makes all the difference in hearing back. The more personalised your request for advice, the more chance you have of getting a yes to meet up.

How to Start

Make a list of 10 companies where you would love to work. Use LinkedIn to look at people who work for your ideal company and have your dream role. What is their background, what qualifications do they have. How did they get to the position they are in now.

It helps to look for people you have some sort of connection with. For example someone who went to your university or has a shared connection.

If you have someone or something in common, they will be more likely to help you. LinkedIn is the ideal platform to do this.

Step 4

What is Your Story? Ensure you have created your story. Know why you want to make a career change. What do you find interesting about your new passion, how much do you know about it? As a career changer, invest extra time and effort in crafting your career story.

This allows others to connect the dots more easily, between what you have done and what you want to do and why.

Ensure your resume and LinkedIn profile  reflect your transferable skills you bring to your new position.

Step 5

Finally, think about your career change as an expedition not just a day trip.

Prepare yourself that changing careers is not an overnight thing but an exciting journey. Look at taking baby steps each day and week to get towards your end goal.

Creating a detailed career plan is a key factor in ensuring career progression or career change.

The key to achieving the success you want is persistence. Don’t give in, keep on going but make sure you create a clear plan, that way you know your end goal.

If you are 100% committed to career change and make the effort to pursue more meaningful work, the kind of work that energizes, excites, and fulfills you, then you will keep on that journey regardless of how challenging it may be.

Following up and persisting are key.

Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Career crossroads and need clarity? Click here
  2. Maximise your LinkedIn and Resume for a successful job search, click here
  3. Nail that job interview and get the job offer, click here

Or, if you are unsure where to start and need help with EVERYTHING click here

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