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How To Start Your Job Search

by | Aug 8, 2024

If you haven’t looked for a job in a while it can be overwhelming. Losing your job can cause you to panic and focus on the negatives, wondering if you will ever get a job again. It is an emotional time.

The obvious thing to do is apply for adverts on job boards such as Seek. However, clients often tell me, their resume “disappears into a black hole” and they never hear back. Very frustrating!

If you are looking for a job, here’s my tips on how to start your job search:


Know what you want! Sounds obvious, but many clients tell me, “I will do anything” That’s not helpful, don’t tell people this. It makes it difficult for people to help you.

Think about what you are good at and enjoy doing. What message are you telling the recruiters and the job market.

It’s not just your resume and LinkedIn, it is your value proposition, your elevator pitch. Your “who”, “what” and “why”

What do you like about your current or recent role and what do you not like? How would you answer the question, “tell me about yourself?”

If you are unsure reach out to your network, people you trust. Ask their opinion about you. What would they see you doing next and what would they recommend.

Maybe speak with an ex-boss who you enjoyed working for. You don’t need to ask for a job, just their advice.

People are happy to help, but you need to ask them for help.


Once your messaging is clear, update your resume and LinkedIn profile. Do not apply for jobs until they are both 100% complete. Get advice if you are unsure.

Need assistance, check out my LinkedIn and resume coaching session HERE.


Create your job search routine. You will refer to this daily, weekly and monthly until you find a job.

To create a workable routine, set clear time goals each day and week.

For example, if you’re not working, then Monday to Friday conduct your job searching 10am to 2pm. If you are in a job, then consider doing this 6pm to 8pm each night.

An Example Job Search Routine:
  • Each day spend 1 to 2 hours applying for jobs through the job boards, including LinkedIn and Seek. Follow up on all adverts you apply for.
  • Register with 3 recruitment agencies and speak with a recruiter who specialises in what you do. If you are unsure, ask friends or check recruiter adverts on Seek. Keep in touch with the recruiters every 3 weeks.
  • Create a list of 10 companies you would like to work for. Follow the companies on LinkedIn. Connect with who would be your boss, 2 talent/recruiters and also 2 peers. Like and comment on their LinkedIn posts. Doing this makes you more visible to people in that company.
  • Create “job alerts” on each Company LinkedIn page. This means you get notified when that company advertise your “job alert” job.
  • Each day spend 1 to 2 hours networking. Do this by reaching out to your contacts and asking for their advice. Aim to meet them face to face.
  • Ask your contacts if they know anyone in their network that could help you. Reach out to the new contacts and introduce yourself. This helps build your own network.
  • Dedicate one day a week for face-to-face meetings. Get out of the house, meet contacts and ask for their advice. Also ask if there is anything you can do to help them. Networking should be reciprocal.
  • Email a “thanks for meeting me” after every meeting.
  • Create an Excel activity spreadsheet and log all your job search activity. This keeps you focused and helps you remember everything.

At the end of each day, make a list of the things you need to do tomorrow.

At the end of each week, make a list of what you need to do on Monday. This builds momentum and keeps you motivated.


At 2pm, or whenever works for you, stop job searching. Give yourself a break! Go and meet friends, spend time with family, get outdoors and refresh. Get ready to start it all again tomorrow!

Finding a new job can take a few months, but it is something you control. The more effort you consistently put in the more you get out of it.

Keep all your job search information, in case you need it in the future.

In a few years’ time, many of the people on your activity spreadsheet will have moved jobs and have new things they can tell you about.


Once you find a new job, email or call everyone you met.

Email a final thank you note with the good news and your new contact information.

The people who helped you will feel pride in your success.

You will find that every city is really like a small town, particularly amongst peers in your industry.

You will keep running into the same people in your field, again and again in the years ahead.

Finally, always remember, people are happy to help, but you need to ask them and you need to be clear on how they can help you.

Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Career Clarity – Are you at a career crossroads and need help?
  2. Personal Brand – Maximise your LinkedIn and Resume and get noticed.
  3. Interview Coaching – Nail your job interview and get the job offer.

Job Search Tips That Work!

- Get RECRUITERS to notice you.


- Nail your job INTERVIEW!

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