by Angela Farmeary | Apr 18, 2023 | Career Tips, Daily job search, Job loss, Job Search Tips, Redundancy
Have you or someone you know recently lost their job? Losing your job can be a very traumatic life event, especially if you did not see it coming. As someone who has been made redundant twice in my career, including one very sudden and unexpected redundancy, I know...
by Angela Farmeary | Dec 1, 2022 | Career Tips, careercrossroad, Careers, Daily job search, Hidden Job Market, Job Search Tips, Linkedin
Are you looking to change jobs in the new year? At different career stages, we all face career crossroads. Maybe you like to move to different jobs and organisations more frequently. Or you prefer to stay with one company for longer periods. Regardless, none of us can...
by Angela Farmeary | Jul 1, 2022 | Career Tips, Daily job search, Hidden Job Market, Job search routine, Job Search Tips, Network, Networking
Job searching is exhausting and frustrating. It can take up a huge part of our time and energy. If you haven’t done it for a while, it’s also hard knowing where to start. Everyone talks about using your network, but what does that mean, and how can it help you? What...
by Angela Farmeary | May 3, 2022 | Career Tips, careercrossroad, Careers, Daily job search, Hidden Job Market, Job Search Tips, Linkedin, Resume Advice
Most of us don’t think about our careers when we are busy. Life takes over, and our careers can sink to the bottom of our priorities. We tend to leave a lot to chance. But things can change. Often unexpectedly, or at short notice. Your role may change, or be made...
by Angela Farmeary | Mar 3, 2021 | Career Tips, Careers, Daily job search, Hidden Job Market, Job search routine, Job Search Tips, Linkedin, Network, Networking
Looking for a new job can be an emotional roller coaster! Clicking “apply” on yet another job advert and waiting to hear back………Most of us can relate to the frustrations of that process! However, unfortunately, recruitment agencies cannot find a job...
by Angela Farmeary | Feb 23, 2021 | Career Tips, Careers, Cover letter, Daily job search, Job Search Tips, Resume Advice, Resume Tips
When it comes to finding a new job, your résumé can either make or break you! If employers and recruiters are interested and you are getting job interviews, then your résumé is doing its job. If you are applying for job adverts and sending it to the recruiters and not...